Brand Your Emails Like A Pro

It’s now clear that you know why your small business should be using email marketing techniques to increase its consumer base, increase revenue, and build brand awareness. However, be aware that if the email marketing techniques are not used properly, they may fail to work and your business may end up attracting huge losses.

  1. Brand Your Emails Like A Professor
  2. Brand Your Emails Like A Project

Email marketing is an opportunity to create a connection with your customers, and like with any touchpoint you have with your customers, you want to make sure that experience is consistently branded to represent your company. Below are some tips for creating a consistent brand in your email marketing campaigns. Back in the day (like 2009, ha!) you collected email addresses from your fans and followers, and then you would copy and paste them to a list or somehow save them in your email address book. From there, when you needed to send updates, you’d copy and paste them into the address line in your email. SUPER Old School. Emphasis on Old. Being on your own boss sometimes is twice as overwhelming as working an office schedule. So don’t get lazy you need to work harder to make your small business launch. Pro tip: online businesses require less capital investment. Brainstorm your brand from A to Z. Define your brand’s goal as a company, for your customers and for you. Monitor your brand. Use google alerts to monitor your brand progress across the web. This will help you in making judgements about changes needed and tweaking the blog. You can also use SEO softwares like moz, semrush to keep a tab on your competitors. Becoming a successful blogger is not an easy task.

It is thus very essential that you know the proper ways to implement email marketing strategies. This will help you avoid alienating your consumers. There are three basics that you must get right before you can begin to expect your email marketing campaigns to start showing results.

These basics include:

  • Creating a list of individuals who will want to receive the message of your business
  • Crafting the message so that it’s not thought of as spam
  • Creating an effective system which will get the message into your audience’s inbox

Once you’ve accomplished the three basics, you can work on a number of more sophisticated and detailed tactics to improve your results.

Here is a guideline that can assist you to run an email marketing campaign correctly:

Step1: Getting Started

For most business operators, the misconception that there has to be a marketing professional in order to implement an email marketing campaign successfully represents their biggest hurdle. Generally, email marketing can often be a lot easier than it sounds provided a person gets the basics right. Once you’ve decided to create an email marketing technique, the next step for you is to start consolidation your name for your outgoing email list.

Brand Your Emails Like A Pro

Step2: Creating an Email List

You’ll require a list of names as well as email addresses to start with so that you can begin getting your email marketing messages out there. Start by gathering together all of your contact information and names into one identifiable spot. Typically, the best way of organizing and categorizing your email names list is using a database.

This is not difficult and thus you do not require a computer science degree for you to use a database. You can use Macs Mactracker or Microsofts Excel spreadsheets or anything else in which you know how to operate well. Using a database to manage all your names will make you see the different email addresses that you already have. You can also begin with your business contacts and a list of current and previous potential consumers.

Step3: Coming up With Signup Sheets

If you do not already possess the email addresses of your consumers, it is important that you come up with sign up sheets so that they can provide you with their email addresses. An ideal way to do this is to provide a sign- up form at your storefront or on your business’s website, it is important that you encourage your consumers to sign up by giving them something once they happen to give you their email addresses.

Do you need help developing your new website or managing your marketing campaign? There is no shame in asking for help. We are here to help. Contact

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Email Marketing

We all know the importance of the everyday email… With 188 billion emails being sent daily (EDIT – Excluding spam), the majority of these coming from businesses – there is no way that companies can afford to slacken off when it comes to making each email as professional as can be.

But what makes an email ‘professional’? And how on Earth can we create ‘branded emails’?

To help you out, I have gone ahead and sketched a quick mock-up of what the Team atCrossware Mail Signatureconsider a ‘professionally branded email’

Branded Header

Brand your emails like a professional

Just like the letterhead of old, we believe that every email should offer your brand image at the top of your communication. People aren’t going to scroll down just to see your logo – so do the work for them and put it right in front of their eyes! This also sets the scene for the rest of your email.

Correct Name and Contact Details

How often do you see emails with an incorrect job title, a phone number with a typo, or even no contact details at all? This leads to unnecessary effort when you then need to contact that person… not too mention company embarrassment when old Bob decides to call himself the CEO one day. It’s vital to pull these details straight from your Corporate Directory so that you can ensure they are correct AND up to date.

Social Media Icons

For the true web savvy company… Add links to any social media networks that your business belongs to, this gives the reader another source of interaction with your company. The average business users sends and receives over 100 emails every day – make use of this hugely popular medium!

Promotional Banner

We like to think that customers and prospects constantly visit our website, unfortunately this is not the case… BUT we do send them emails every week! Turn every email into an advertising opportunity with an attractive promotional banner, this could include your latest product or sale.

Brand Your Emails Like A Professor

Appropriate Disclaimer

These days it’s vital to be 100% confident that every email being sent from your organisation is compliant with the latest laws and regulations. Specify a standard email disclaimer message to be appended to all emails leaving your company.


Professionally Branding Emails at a Corporate Level?

Brand Your Emails Like A Project

It’s one thing to know what a really great email looks like… it’s another to implement great email across your entire company! I’m going to mention our product, Crossware Mail Signature, for a quick product plug:

If your company is currently using IBM Lotus Notes for email, and you’re after branded emails or professional signatures, then definitely check outour website. Crossware Mail Signature allows you to centrally manage your entire organisation’s email very VERY easily! We offer the best server-based solution out there and your email signatures will be appended on every single email leaving your company – whether it is sent from your PC, the web or your mobile device.

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