Meditating on our Lord's passion is a practice not limited to a particular season. Since Jesus was made perfect through what he suffered (Heb. 2:13, Heb. 5:8) we learn by this example, how to become 'other Christs' and true Christians through suffering, the greatest gift on earth we could have. As we share in Christ's passion, so will we also share in his resurrection/glory (Phil 3:10).
Deskripsi dari Stations of the Cross Pro - Via Crusis Audio Pro v1.0.3 Mod (Pembelian gratis) Versi Pro dari stasiun lintas - melalui Audio Crusis - Cara Cross = Iklan dihapus dan ukuran file dioptimalkan. Jesus – Devotional Prayers dedicated to Our Lord text and Mp3 audio downloads. Divine Mercy Chaplet – text and mp3 audio download; Stations of the Cross according to the method of St. Francis text and mp3 audio download; 15 prayers of St. Bridget Mp3 audio and text (The Pieta Prayers and Promises). AUDIO STATIONS - Click here. To listen to the Stations of the Cross - Or, download by right clicking (PC) and selecting'Save Target As' Via Crucis. Father Rocky leads the Stations of the Cross. For more Lenten resources, check out relevant, keyword: Lent.
Listener comments:'Hey Donna! The CD is absolutely AWESOME! It's all I listen to and it brings me to tears many times. You have captured what Our Jesus did for us. Thank you so much and thanks to Our Heavenly Papa for giving you this talent of song. God Bless you!'M. Carlow
'Your Stations of the Cross is one of the most beautiful meditations on the stations I have ever heard. I listened to it yesterday in my car, and was so filled with sorrow and joy at the same time, I cried through most of it. Very beautiful. I will use this as a meditation on the Passion of Jesus. Thank you for sharing your talent in such a blessed way.' Margaret Hollenzer
The First Station: Jesus is condemned to death
We praise you, O Christ, and we bless you,
because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.
Jesus was unjustly condemned. He accepted this out of love for us.
Help us, Lord, to accept what we find hard in life,
And to place our trust in your promise that we will never be without your presence.
Second Station: Jesus takes up his cross
We praise you, O Christ, and we bless you because by your holy cross:
You have redeemed the world.
With great courage Jesus took up his cross.
Help us, Lord, to follow your example and walk with you through life.
Third Station: Jesus falls the first time
We praise you, O Christ, and we bless you because by your holy cross:
You have redeemed the world.
Jesus became like us in human weakness and frailty.
Support us Lord when we stumble and fall.
Fourth Station: Jesus meets his mother
We praise you, O Christ, and we bless you . . . . . . .
Mary your mother was always there for you.
Help us to be there for our friends and families in all difficult times,
And to show them your compassion.
Fifth Station: Simon of Cyrene helps carry the cross
We praise you, O Christ, and we bless you . . . . . . .
Simon shared the weight of your cross as you went forward to lay down your life for us all.
Be with us as we strive to reach out to those in need in our world today.
Sixth Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
We praise you, O Christ, and we bless you . . . . . .
The compassion of Veronica for you in your hour of need
is a pale reflection of your great compassion for all of us.
Help us to show your love in deeds of kindness to all we meet.
Seventh Station: Jesus falls the second time
We praise you, O Christ, and we bless you . . . . . .
With great courage you continued and went forward on the road to Calvary.
Help us to be strong and to draw courage from you when we meet life’s problems.
Eighth Station: Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem
We praise you, O Christ, and we bless you . . . . . . .
Jesus was aware of the depth of grief these women showed for him,
and he in turn showed great concern for their future and the future of their children.
When we are in pain, help us to look outward and be open to the pain of others.
Ninth Station: Jesus falls the third time
We praise you, O Christ, and we bless you . . . . . .
When all seemed lost, Jesus persevered in doing the will of the Father,
and drew strength from his Father.
Teach us how to draw strength from you when life and all the problems of our world seem too much for us.
Tenth Station: Jesus is stripped of his garments
We praise you, O Christ, and we bless you . . . . . . .
Every possession was taken from Jesus, and his great heart of love was revealed to us.
Help us to have poverty of spirit that we may see your love everywhere.
Eleventh Station: Jesus is nailed to the cross
Stations Of The Cross Audio Downloader
We praise you, O Christ, and we bless you . . . . . . .
Nailed to the cross, Jesus freely offered his life for us and for the whole human race.
When we feel constrained and trapped by fears in life, give us the grace of inner freedom
which sees your hand at work in all the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
Twelfth Station: Jesus dies on the cross
We praise you, O Christ, and we bless you . . . . . .
With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last and sent forth the Spirit.
Give us great hope and trust that nothing can separate us from your love,
not even death itself.
Stations Of The Cross Audio Downloads
Pause gained us life.
ready to witness to your goodness and love.
We praise you, O Christ, and we bless you . . . . . .
In the stillness of the tomb, we keep watch for signs of your presence.
In the noise and distraction of our daily lives, help us make time and space to recognise you.
A short Stations of the Cross arranged by Sr Pat Graham.
We praise you and Accepting Death © Gerry Fitzpatrick. St Mungo Music, Glasgow
Music sung by the St Mungo Singers