12 Things Students Should Never Do On Social Media


12 Things Students Should Never Do On Social Media Skills

This series depicts the power and influence behind social media, bullying, and challenges that teens face at school and home. Social media can serve a wonderful purpose, yet it can also be extremely dangerous. There are several social media trends among teens that parents should educate themselves about in an effort to protect their children. 7:- Awareness – Social media also create awareness and innovate the way people live. It is the social media which has helped people discover new and innovative stuffs that can enhance personal lives. From farmers to teachers, students to lawyers every individual of the society can benefit from the social media and its awareness factor.

12 Things Students Should Never Do On Social Media Platforms

I’m always impressed at the boldness some of my peers have when it comes to posting inappropriate pictures on facebook. So many people these days are unaware that employers look at an employee’s facebook during the interview process. Sometimes people are eliminated from a job because of something an employer sees on facebook. In this economy, can you really afford to post inappropriate things (not just pictures) on the internet? Do yourself a favor and clean out your social media every six months!

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