- The Victorian Curriculum Effective Curriculum Ideas 5th
- The Victorian Curriculum Effective Curriculum Ideas Preschool
- The Victorian Curriculum Effective Curriculum Ideas Activities
The curriculum is the whole experience the child gets in school, not only the 'formal' time tabled part. It includes all those activities which take place in school time as well as after school activities of a voluntary nature. There is also the 'hidden' curriculum, which finds its expression in the complex pattern of the school life, and the experiences it affords. In addition, daily worship either in individual classes or across age phases or as a whole school serve to reinforce spiritual, moral and social codes introduced through subject teaching, circle time activities that address social and emotional aspects of learning or weekly religious education lessons.
The Victorian Curriculum Effective Curriculum Ideas 5th
Suggested teaching and learning ideas; access to online resources; Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) resources, including sample planning templates. Resources link to content descriptions in the Victorian Curriculum Mathematics. They are organised by the strands and sub strands of Mathematics and incorporate the proficiencies. Planning for English in the Victorian Curriculum F–10 supports whole-school curriculum planning and the progression of learning, assessment and reporting in the classroom. The following resources have been developed to assist curriculum planning for English in the Victorian Curriculum F–10.
Oxford Big Ideas Humanities Victorian Curriculum provides complete coverage for the Humanities - Geography, History, Economics & Business and Civics & Citizenship - in one easy-to-use package. Take a semester-based approach or deliver separate year-long courses. Lesson plans, interactives, activities, videos, and worksheets for all grade levels reveal why the Victorian Era was considered both the best and worst of times. A detailed lesson plan has young historians investigating the conditions in Victorian prisons that were designed to deter crime.
To help pupils to develop lively, enquiring minds, the ability to question and argue, and to apply themselves to tasks and physical skills.
To help pupils to acquire knowledge and skills relevant to adult life and employment, in fast changing world.
To help pupils use language and number effectively.
To instill respect for religious and moral values, and tolerance of other nations, religions and ways of life.
To help pupils to understand the world in which they live, and the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations.
To help pupils to appreciate human achievements and aspirations.
To help pupils achieve the aims and objectives set out in each curriculum area.
The Victorian Curriculum Effective Curriculum Ideas Preschool
There are curriculum polices for all areas of learning available to view on the school website or hard copies can be requested at the school office.
The aims, content and organization of learning and teaching in the core subjects follows, including reference to Welsh (which is a national priority) , additional learning needs and RE.
The Victorian Curriculum F–10 sets out what every student should learn during their first eleven years of schooling. The curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development and active and informed citizenship.
The Victorian Curriculum F–10 incorporates the Australian Curriculum and reflects Victorian priorities and standards.
The Victorian Curriculum Effective Curriculum Ideas Activities
Resources and supporting information
Resources have been developed to support the implementation of the Victorian Curriculum F-10, including guidelines for Victorian schools developing whole-school teaching and learning plans and reporting student learning achievement, information on curriculum planning and assessment, curriculum area-specific advice, and professional learning opportunities. These resources are found on the ‘Foundation–10 Curriculum’ section on the VCAA website.
In addition, the VCAA also provides the Curriculum Planning Resource portal, designed to support school leaders to plan and document a comprehensive whole-school curriculum.
For a visual guide to assist locating key information and resources related to the Victorian Curriculum F–10, please see the Quick Guide.