Dmg Mori Seiki Ctx Beta 800housenew

  1. Dmg Mori Seiki Nhx 4000
  2. Dmg Mori Ctx Beta 800 Tc
Dmg Mori Seiki Ctx Beta 800housenewDmg mori seiki nhx 4000

DMG MORI latest product and topics. Find the best machine that meets your workpiece and machining requirements. CTX beta 800 linear. High-performance Universal. Consult DMG MORI's entire CTX beta 800 TC catalogue on DirectIndustry. DMG / MORI SEIKI SYSTEMS. CTX 310 ecoline.

Complex turning and milling operations with ultra-compact turning/milling spindle and up to 20,000 rpm

  • Turning and milling spindle compactMASTER with 12,000 rpm, 22 kW and 120 Nm
  • ± 100 mm Y-stroke for external machining
  • Swivel range of B-axis ± 110° for maximum flexibility

Tool magazine as a disk or chain magazine for shorter set-up and idle times

  • Disk magazine for 24 tools in standard
  • Chain magazine with 48 or 80 stations as option
  • Tools up to 300 mm length and Ø 125 mm

6-sided complete machining by main spindle up to 700 Nm and optional counter spindle

Dmg Mori Seiki Nhx 4000

  • Integrated spindle drives with up to 700 Nm for maximum cutting performance
  • Counter spindle with 6,000 rpm, 170 Nm and 51 mm bar capacity as option

Complex turning and milling operations with ultra-compact turning/milling spindle and up to 20,000 rpm

  • Turning and milling spindle compactMASTER with 12,000 rpm, 29.5 hp and 88.5 ft lb
  • ± 4.7 in Y-stroke for external machining
  • Swivel range of B-axis ± 120° for maximum flexibility

Tool magazine as a disk or chain magazine for shorter set-up and idle times

Dmg Mori Ctx Beta 800 Tc

  • Disk magazine for 24 tools in standard
  • Chain magazine with 48 or 80 stations as option
  • Tools up to 15.7 in length and Ø 4.7 in

6-sided complete machining by main spindle up to 700 Nm and optional counter spindle

  • Integrated spindle drives with up to 516.3 ft lb for maximum cutting performance
  • Counter spindles up to 516.3 ft lb and 3.7 in bar capacity as option

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